Monday, 28 August 2017

Top 4 Ways to Keep a Healthy Relationship

Hello, everybody!

Today we are going to discuss the top ways to keep a healthy relationship. Note that these can be used on any relationship you will ever have in your life!

Let’s dive right in to the top 4 ways that you can keep a healthy relationship with your partner of choice (meaning any relationship you have in your life as this can be applied to all of them.)

1)      Communication

This is one of the most important ways to keep a healthy relationship or friendship. Being able to be mature enough to communicate verbally how you feel about certain situations or issues is the best thing ever… or not, if you communicate it in the wrong way. There is a certain way you should communicate this with your partner of choice, but this works both ways which is why it is a bit of a tricky one. Your partner of choice should also be mature enough to listen to what you point out to them and be willing to better the situation so that the same problem doesn’t occur again. If they don’t really listen to you or get offended then it will be difficult for you to be willing to open up to them.

If the roles were reversed, it can be difficult to accept when someone raises an issue. The way to overcome this is to deal with it maturely by listening to what they are saying and looking at the negative side of the situation and essentially, finding what went wrong. Then work towards fixing what went wrong. This step has to include both people otherwise one will be putting in more effort than the other, which means that it won’t work.  Once this skill is mastered, you will find you are keeping relationships for longer rather than simply disconnecting from someone because of something they did wrong.

2)      Effort & Appreciation

Occasionally, it’s worth going out of your way for someone to make them smile or to make their life easier. For example, you know your sister has a long day at work so you prepare dinner for her by the time she comes home so she can have a good meal. This will be beneficial to her because she won’t have to make her own dinner, especially if she is already tired from work. This is a small act of kindness which will make her happy and make her life easier. Being kind and showing random acts of kindness will go a long way if your partner appreciates them. They should be able to see that you did something for them and be appreciative and grateful. This makes you more motivated to do your 'random cute things' more often. Then, they are also likely to do random nice things for you. If the roles were reversed, make sure to always notice what someone else is doing for you, even though sometimes it can be hard to think about these things because we are so used to them that we take them for granted. Think as if you are in their place and imagine what their thought process must have been when they decided to do something for you. This way you can learn to be grateful and appreciative of even the smallest kind actions.

3)      Loyalty & Honesty

Do not say unkind things about your partner of choice behind their back, I repeat, do not say unkind things about your partner of choice! Refer to the quote at the top of this post. That applies to every relationship you will ever have in your life. Be loyal to them. Do not get involved in back chatting about them with someone else as that will only cause drama. If you have a problem with something they have done then follow step one: communication. Also, just be honest, I know it’s easier said than done, but it is the best option in the long term.

4)      Respecting each other & Having fun

There is a fine line between having fun whilst maintaining that respect for your partner. Make sure to identify that line and use it as a guide, just so you don’t cross it. Once you get to know a person, you will begin to identify the things that tick them off, you will learn everything about them eventually. This is when you will begin to understand that there are certain things that you may say or do which annoys the other person, or sometimes can upset them too. To make improvements, you could try not to say/do those things. This way the peace will be kept between the pair of you. Now to keep the relationship healthy, you must sprinkle a bit of fun in there too. Do things you both enjoy together, such as going on a walk or going bike riding. It’s good to keep some banter in the relationship too, just to make each other laugh. Bare in mind, the line… don’t cross it!

Now that you have the top 4 simple tips on keeping a healthy relationship… what are you waiting for? Go try them out! Share your experiences in the comments below or on our social media sites (@toobasicblog). Let me know if you found these helpful or if you have any questions.

As always, thanks for reading! I will see you here again next Monday with a new blog!

~ Prabhpreet

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