Thursday, 17 August 2017

Apprenticeship VS University

Hi my lovelies,

Let's talk about and discuss on this Thursday's topic; Apprenticeship vs University!

So, depending on where you live it may or may not be mandatory to finish until high school, but here in the UK and in most places nowadays (I think) you have to finish high school first  then you decide whether to go for higher education, further education or straight to a job.

I did primary school, high school, 2 years in college; doing 2 of my subjects that are beauty and media and NOW I'm looking for a level 3 apprenticeship preferably or a job either in media (preferably again) or customer service instead of going to University like everyone else. That's a little background information on my education.

So now without any delays let's get the discussion started!

1) Apprenticeship: you earn money while you learn the skills and have the work experience and hopefully by the end of your apprenticeship you move up in levels or have a secure place within the field you do your apprenticeship in (same company or workshop) or both! However, in University you learn the required skills for your course or field of work then look for a job.

2) Apprenticeship can vary in duration; years, timing etc. because, again, depending on the level you’re at and whether you want to do another year BUT at a  higher level whereas in University, it's normally 3-4 years depending on your course chosen plus extra for more qualifications and work.

3) Apprenticeship you work your way up and get more confidence, connections with other people and industry etc. University you can also work your way up if desired and are more range of degrees to go for depending on course and university choices.

4) Apprenticeship: coursework and theory work, practical, hands-on work majority of the time but in university it's all theoretical work unless your course requires practical work.

5) Apprenticeship; if you don't like exams or  feel you aren’t not good at it then apprenticeship is best for you; majority of the times whereas if you're good at exams, theory and complex stuff then university may suit you better!

6) Apprenticeship; more flexibility and more creative. You learn in a few different areas such as class rooms, workshop or company place etc. University it's at a lecture room normally and it's more logical.

Take home tip (if you like); just because your friends or family members went university or did an apprenticeship doesn't mean you have to! Do what suits you and if you're unsure then choose and look for an opportunity that you like the sound and requirements of and you can drop out if you really don't like it rather than focusing yourself into doing something you dislike!

That take home advice I'm using right now. Everyone I know went university or are going university but not me because 1) -6) apply to me so that's what I'll do. So what if I'm not following the crowd?

You can comment below or on @toobasicblog social media sites letting us know which suits you, what are your current and future plans and why. Let me know whether you agree with me today or not and share your thoughts. We'll love to hear from you and look forward to replying to you.
~ Komal


  1. Wow, your blog is really informative thank you so much, I will ensure that my brother reads this because he has just completed his GCSE and he is confused about his plans for the future. However this blog will make it a lot clearer for him.

  2. Thank you very much, we appreciate you sharing it with your brother. Let us know if he finds it helpful!


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